About Us
Jim and I are here to help you push through. As certified Better Living Facilitators we offer some practical tools and techniques that can help you do this. As you use these practical techniques, you will learn that there is that which is within you that is truly Divine. Call it God, Christ, Spirit – call it Universal Law.
What is most important is that you understand that it is Divine and it lives right within YOU! Job 32:8 states it like this, “But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” This aspect of you -this spirit – is forever one with the One Spirit that stands in perfect integrity throughout all creation. This part of you is your connecting link to the One. It is Divine Energy and once you tap into it, you will hear the whisperings of the still small voice. These whisperings may come to you in the form on an urge to express your unique gifts and abilities in a very special way. We want to encourage you to listen to these urgings. If you do, the greatest expression of yourself will be revealed.
That is what it means to live life with the ease of Spirit. Living life with the ease of Spirit means you are living life from the deepest level of your true, authentic self. If you have been lead to this page, know that there are no accidents. The time is NOW! Come and join us on the journey.

Jim and I have been married for 25 plus years and during those years, we have devoted ourselves to embarking on a beautiful spiritual journey. This journey has led to us both becoming ministers. Also, we are licensed teachers for the Universal Foundation for Better Living and certified to teach the Better Living series. Jim and I are New Thought Christians and students of the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, we appreciate all faiths and welcome all who are seeking spiritual awakening to join us.
We believe that there is a spark of the Divine in everyone. This spark of divinity yearns to be expressed. If you allow it to, it will push you into a life without limitation. It will motivate you to become the YOU that you were created to be – the highest version of yourself. It is never too late. Start today!
The road to spiritual awakening is an exciting journey. However, you must be willing to face your fears, release negative belief systems and step out on faith. At times, it may not seem easy. However, we believe that we have developed the techniques that will help you enjoy this journey with the ease of spirit. Come and Join Us!
Jim and Andrea Graham