
The ability to choose, decide, lead
Silver Grey
“Father, If thou be willing, remove
this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.”
Luke 22:42
The attribute for August is Will; silver grey is the color of the month, and the ganglionic body center is the forehead. Will is aligned very closely with the faculty of Understanding, and it is defined as the ability to choose, decide, take charge, and lead. The disciple who represents this faculty is Matthew, the ex-tax collector. Based on his previous job as a tax collector, he was one of the most hated men in Rome. He was a strong and resilient man, and when he said ‘Yes’ to Jesus to become a disciple, his life became completely dedicated to and directed by God. The main idea of this summary is to encourage God’s children to lean not on their own Will and Understanding, but to follow the Will of the Father. The Team: Will and Understanding.
Will & Understanding
The faculties of Will and Understanding go together like a hand in a glove. Because they are so closely related, one does not function well without the other–they work together as a team. Understanding on its own may do nothing; Will may go ahead and forcefully do the wrong thing. Working in harmony, each from the front brain, the two faculties accomplish much. Will determines the movement of an idea and Understanding decrees the direction to take. Will may decide on a project and Understanding may ask, “is the idea Religious based–will it appeal to God—what would Jesus say about it?
In addition, Will is the executive department of mind; it carries out, or executes that which one Understanding determines to be right and good, or what is believed to be the best course of action. Will is that part of the mind that chooses, the department that makes decisions, the place in consciousness that leads, acts, and takes charge. Will can work alone, as can Understanding, but one without the other might come up with erroneous results. While Will is making decisions on an activity, Understanding is deciding if the activity is spiritualized, because it is through Spiritual Understanding that we decide if an activity is God’s Will. Understanding decides what is right, what is good, and what is proper. It is derived from the Christ Mind through inner senses, intuition, reasoning, and feelings from the heart, received from Divine guidance, which is sometimes referred to as “the still small voice of God.”
Inasmuch as Will is the directing power of mind, it is our job to re-educate that phase of our consciousness, because it is a God-given faculty that we should study, practice and strengthen so that we move away from our personal will, and base our ideas from a spiritual prospective. It is our responsibility to familiarize ourselves with the attributes of Will and Understanding in order that we may become receptive to the Will of God, rather than our materialistic will only.
In one way or another, all of mankind is forever using personal will as we choose a course of action. However, our wayshower, Jesus, illustrated to us through his teachings and actions, the benefits of overcoming the personal and selfish motivation of the Will, and to replace it with Divine Will. When we unify with the Will of God, we provide for ourselves a space for peace, contentment, and happiness.
Will & Relationship
One of the most important entities of our lives is personal relationships. If our
relationships are corrupt, it keeps us in a state of dismay, failure, and
unhappiness, which never seems to end. Most inharmonies in relationships result from the clash of human wills.
When we learn to re-educate our personal will and activate the Divine Will, it does not mean that we necessarily submit to the human will of others, it simply means that we allow a new freedom that recognizes human force, but it is our choice to submit to it or not. When dealing with relationships, one may be tempted to follow the will of a strong personality.
However, if necessary, say to that person, “The Christ in me beholds the Christ in you.” Allow the love of God to become alive in you to the extent that there is no conflict in your relationships with others.
Our former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama cleverly says, “If they go low, you go high,” that way, you are expressing your love and reverence for God and your neighbor. The two Great Commandments say it best.
You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the first and Great Commandment. And, the second is like unto it.
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments,
hang all the law and
the prophets.”
Matthew 22: 35-40
With these commandments as a source of reference, the higher power within will show up, take over, and establish order and harmony within us. If we use wisdom and plant love and harmony, love and harmony will return to us. UFBL founder, Dr. Johnnie Colemon, put it best when she said, “you cannot plant potatoes and grow tomatoes.” Consequently, whatever seed we plant, expect that seed to grow; once we plant, we must be seriously aware that growth is on its way–come dark of night, or light of day.
When we turn within to Spirit, the God Self, the spiritual core of our consciousness, and ask for answers, we will receive either the answers we wish, or something better. We may not get the answers we expect, there is a possibility that we are directed to a more desirable course of action because we may be following personal will–not the Will of the Father. God answers and responds to our prayers in at least three ways: Go, No, and Grow. Always be aware that when we align our consciousness with the laws of the Divine, we are following the path of our Master Teacher, our Wayshower, Jesus the Christ, and never be afraid to listen to God for He desires only good for us.
Twelve Powers Healing Story Conclusion
Let us take a look at how one was healed by using The Twelve Powers of Man concept, originated by Unity’s co-founder, Charles Fillmore.
A devout licensed Unity teacher, singer, and speaker was recently challenged to the point of fear of losing her livelihood skills of speaking, teaching and singing. She experienced a life-altering journey through surrender, acceptance and faith that changed her at the cellular level. She faced the terror of not being
able to speak clearly or sing at her most effective range again. Her physical challenge was a cyst on one vocal cord and a rupture on the other.
This woman was devastated, fearful, and depressed; she attempted to give up; accept the challenge and concede to the fact that her life would never be the same again.
However, instead, she began to push forward. She created a prayer room in
her home where she prayed, meditated, and studied every single day at the same
time for several months. She worked primarily with the Twelve Powers of Man through praying, meditating, visualizing, and reading the Holy Bible and other
spiritual literature. She allowed her inner self to bask in the light of God.
And now, many months later, her voice is not at all compromised—it is no longer affected. She is back to her original self–she is healed. The lady
is back; she again speaks, she teaches, she sings, she gives thanks, and
praises to the Lord consistently for His goodness to her. She still uses the same sacred room for prayer and meditation, and during her prayer and meditative sessions, she intuitively felt that in her illness, the attribute of Will determined the movement she should take and the attribute of Understanding decreed the
direction. With the twins, Will and Understanding, working together, she found the best doctors for her condition and the best healing exercises to use.
These choices brought her back to her original physical state. In view of her
healing, we praise God with her and know that her success is also available to
all of us who are willing to disengage our personal wills and engage God’s Will.
Remember, As we align ourselves more closely to the Will of God, we are strongly encouraged to include and embrace Will with the previously studied faculties of Faith, Love, Strength, Wisdom, Power, Imagination, and Understanding. And, so it is…
By Satoria E. P. Lindsey
Spiritual Teacher
Competent and Able Toastmasters Certificates
Licensed Johnnie Colemon Institute (JCI) Teacher
Former JCI Youth Expressing (YEC) Sponsor
Retired High School Teacher
Unity Chaplain
Spiritual Teacher
MS Degree, Cleveland State University