Grief Counseling
The Rev. Morgan Alexander, MHs.B

Rev. Morgan’s spiritual journey started very early in life. At the age of 12 she began assisting the nuns at her school with teaching catechism to deaf students in a city program. This lead to her decision to major in special education ‘Teaching the Deaf and Hard of Hearing’, at Kent State University.
Rev. Morgan is now a retired educator living in Cleveland Heights Ohio with her Jack Russel Chi, Katie. In 2012 Rev. Morgan joined the Hospice of Western Reserve as a volunteer in the By Your Side program, sitting with patients and their families during the final 48 hours of transitioning. This cultivated her interest in the area of grief and bereavement support. Later that same year she completed a degree in Metaphysical Science and became an ordained minister while taking advance training for Grief and Bereavement. In 2016 she received a UFBL (Universal Foundation for Better Living) Teaching License from the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary.
Rev. Morgan is the Founder and CEO of ‘Puzzle Peace Ministries’. She serves as a Grief Companion, assisting patients and their families during and after the transitioning process, and in other areas grief-related. She is a certified facilitator for Grief and Bereavement support groups, and Public Speaker. She is also available for classes and workshops on the Healing Powers of Grief, Holistic Living, and Vision Workshops.
Rev. Morgan has been a member of Living Truth Center Church since 1998. She has served as a Lay Minister, personal assistant to the senior minister, administrative church assistant, prayer ministry, noontime meditation facilitator, and continues to teach UFBL courses. She is currently completing a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Spiritual Counseling and a certification in Quantum Healing.
Rev. Morgan is living a full and happy life blessed with three grown children and four wonderful grandchildren. She can be reached through