


Pineal Gland; Center of the Head



Faith is the number one faculty, and is the first to be studied at the beginning of the year in January. The disciple represented for Faith is Peter, as he was the first to be quickened and spiritualized and was the first disciple whom Jesus called into God’s service.

Hebrew 11:1 defines Faith as “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” As we practice the faculty of Faith we attract to ourselves that which is good for us, and that which we believe we already have.  

In his book, THE TWELVE POWERS OF MAN, (1930) Charles Fillmore states that each faculty has a ganglionic center to be spiritualized in the physical body, and the ganglionic location for Faith is the middle of the head–the pineal gland.

When meditating on Faith one should focus on the pineal gland in the center of the head. When we pray, meditate, and practice the 12 powers of mind daily, we further familiarize ourselves with the function, character, and physical location of these disciple-faculties.  Just as Jesus trained his 12 disciples, we can train and spiritualize these attributes to serve us in our everyday lives.

With the use of these 12 power tools, we can arise from negativity more quickly, and learn that we profit from all things that happen to us; we can also realize that we do not have to look outside ourselves directly to find health, happiness, and prosperity. God has already instilled within us all the qualities we will ever need to live a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. Therefore, we should go first to God; then to man as God directs. 

We must remember that God created man fully clothed to attain his highest potential, and man’s responsibility is to co-create with God as he re-establishes the spiritual blueprint that God designed for him.