The Omnipresence
of God

In New Thought, we often say, “There is not a spot where God is not.” In other words, God is Omnipresent. God is within us and all around us. God, the Fountainhead of Absolute Good is forever pouring into our lives.
This means that you are truly standing on holy ground. It does not matter where you are, what you are doing, or what you are experiencing; God is there. It is time that you remove your shoes and act like you know it.
Metaphysically, our feet symbolizes spiritual understanding. Likewise, the removing of the shoes symbolizes the removing of all that would restrict our understanding of the presence of God within and all about us.
Begin today to draw from the ever present Fountainhead of Absolute Good. Affirm peace, health and prosperity in the face of any appearance. Know that God is eternally with you. You stand on holy ground.
“Then the Lord said to him, ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Acts 7:33