
James, Son of Alphaeus
Dark Green
“I use my gift of ORDER to keep my mind, body, and affairs in proper sequence.”
“Are animals, plants, and birds smarter than humans?” The answer to that question is probably debatable because humankind is the highest form of life, but they seem to have so much difficulty establishing harmony, right relationships, and orderly growth. While animals, plants, and birds go right along living as they are intended to live.
Relationships are one of the most valued areas of human lives, yet humans seem to encounter problems and challenges getting along with each other. They also have problems adjusting to the environment and fulfilling a worthwhile pattern of living.
All lower-life forms have a built-in intelligence that enables them to adjust to
their environment, complete a cycle of growth, and produce the results that are
expected of them by virtue of their nature. Why? How are humans different from the birds, trees, animals, and plants?
The answer is that we have freedom of choice. Humans alone, as co-creators with God, can think consciously, make decisions, and determine the direction their lives will take. All other forms of life simply follow instinct. Only we can think for ourselves and say, “I will, or I will not.” We have free will and in ignorance, we often work in direct opposition to divine law. However, when we reach a certain stage of understanding we strive seriously to follow divine law. With understanding, we know that our freedom will come by cooperating intelligently with the law.
We are charged to use this ability to think, reason and choose wisely to establish
an orderly growth pattern for ourselves as God’s highest creations. We do this by awakening and training our center of Order.
Order is one of our twelve powers, an essential part of our inheritance–it is a
quality that Divine Mind instilled in each person to be identified and
developed. To develop Order in our lives, we must learn to cooperate with
spiritual law, based on the Twelve Powers of Man. It is the secret that will make our lives happy, harmonious, and balanced.
This God-given faculty starts with the establishment of the concept of right thinking and then works from within out. Some people, in establishing order, think first in terms of urging their personal systems and methods on other people. This is not the purpose of this attribute. We must first spiritualize ourselves and then, from harmonious, happy feelings within, bring forth the Christ Spirit into our immediate environment. With the practice of God-centered Order, spirit will always redirect our path when we are challenged.
Once we have placed ourselves in tune with Spirit and are cooperating with divine Principle, we will find that we attract right relationships with other people, satisfying and fulfilling activities, time for all the things we need to do,
and right growth and development of all our spiritual faculties. Our overall
safety lies in the operation of the law and order upon which the universe
operates. To be happy at home or in society, we must act in accordance with
God’s eternal laws, man-made laws, and allow these laws to work
peacefully and thoroughly in and through all that we do.
As we practice Order, we must always remember it is an outgrowth of our complete agreement and cooperation with the principles of the universe. This is a process that must be complete in mind, in emotions, and in actions.
In conclusion, never forget that Divine Order radiates its mighty power into the
other faculties and sets them into sustained activity to the level of perfection
that is pleasing to our higher power, God.

Practice Meditation: Order
Allow your center of attention to drop easily to a point just behind the navel, the physical center for the faculty of Order.
Say or think to yourself:
Christ in me is quickening my faculty of
Order, represented by the disciple James, son of Alphaeus.
Then, holding your attention there, affirm:
Divine Order is established in my life, world, and affairs.
Continue to hold your attention there, affirm:
I AM in tune with divine timing, and I let God create this day for me.
During the day when and if your plans are changed unexpectedly, or you find yourself filled with tension, quickly let your attention
go to the navel area and say repeatedly:
Divine Order: I am in tune with Divine Order, now.
By Satoria E. P. Lindsey
Spiritual Teacher
Competent and Able Toastmasters Certificates
Licensed Johnnie Colemon Institute (JCI) teacher
Former JCI Youth Expressing (YEC) Sponsor
Retired High School Teacher
Unity Chaplain
MS Degree, Cleveland State University
Portions of this article were summarized from the following sources:
Adam Smashing Power of Mind, (by Charles Fillmore, Unity Classic Library, 1995).
Your God-Given Potential, Unfolding
the 12 Spiritual Powers (by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann, 1978).
A Twelve-Power Meditation Exercise, (by
Charles Roth, 1989).
The Twelve Powers, (by Charles and Cora Fillmore, 1994).
Unity Classic Library Series
Portions of this article were summarized from the following sources:
Adam Smashing Power of Mind, (by Charles Fillmore, Unity Classic Library, 1995).
Your God-Given Potential, Unfolding
the 12 Spiritual Powers (by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann, 1978).
A Twelve-Power Meditation Exercise, (by
Charles Roth, 1989).
The Twelve Powers, (by Charles and Cora Fillmore, 1994).
Unity Classic Library Series