Come Out of Your Valley Experience

By Andrea M. Graham

Have you ever had a valley experience?  During these times, it seems as though your entire world is crashing down around you. In the face of these trials and tribulations, it may seem as though the solution is simply out of your reach. You believe that you have hit rock bottom. The good news is this: if you think that you have hit rock bottom, you have no place to go but up.

A valley experience is really a soul experience that has come to teach you. Remember, your experiences are reflections of your own thoughts and feelings. Therefore, valley experiences reveal exactly what is going on in your heart and mind. They mirror your deepest fears. In actuality, a valley experience is a blessing because it is an opportunity to heal and grow. As the fear begins to bubble up and rise out of the cervices of your own consciousness, it shows you where a greater demonstration of faith is needed.

Regardless of what type of valley experience you might be having, face it head-on. Boldly proclaim with the psalmist that God has prepared a table for you in the midst of all adversities. Know in your heart of hearts that you may freely partake of this table at any time. If you are having a health related valley experience, affirm: “God is my health. I am bursting with radiant energy.” If you are facing a financial challenge, declare: “the Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want. My cup overflows with substance.” If there appears to be conflict in your relationships, affirm: Peace reigns supreme in my relationships now. God leads me besides the still waters.” In the face of all undesirable circumstances, affirm: “I refuse to judge by the appearances. God is anointing every area of my life with the infinite oils of love, peace and prosperity!” Continue to speak words of encouragement until you feel your thoughts rising beyond the circumstances. Then, stand firm on your two big spiritual feet,  dig in and begin the hike. It is all uphill now.

Remember, in the valley, you have full access to the mountain. So, just begin your uphill journey. As you do, you will build both spiritual strength and character. You will discover how beautifully powerful you are. You will know that you have nothing to fear. God has prepared the way. Move higher and your vision will expand. Ideas from the Infinite will abundantly flow in and through you. Like Abram, you will look in all directions, knowing that you can have as far as you can see. The seeming challenge is only a shadow. Move beyond it. Come out of your valley experience.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me…” Psalm 23:4, NKJV

Do you know what you are?

What you are?

You are in a process of unfolding and what you are unfolding is divine!

What you are? When asked, many will provide a laundry list of titles. In reality, you are far more than any title. You are spirit. You are created in the image/likeness of God.

In What Are You?, Imelda Octavia Shanklin states it this way: “You are a soul that has forgotten its divine identity…a soul now struggling to remember…

When it feels as though you are struggling through life’s experiences, it is difficult to remember your spiritual nature. However, the spiritual part of you always remembers. Therefore, to end the struggle, awaken to the spiritual essence within yourself.

Begin daily by practicing the presence through prayer and meditation. Activate the power of your spoken word by declaring peace over the conditions in your life. Affirm: “The Presence of God within me is greater than any outer appearance.” As you do, your spiritual identity will begin to emerge and you will remember.

“Little children, you are from God, and have conquered them; for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” I John 4:4, NRSV