
Back of the Heart
Our purpose for practicing the Twelve Powers of Man is to connect with the Christ within and live a life centered in Divine Power.
All must happen through the Christ center which is located at the center of the head (Throne).
In the month of January, we focused on the power of Faith. During the month of February, we are studying how to re-develop the attribute of Love.
When God generated man, he was whole, perfect, and complete. The degeneration, or the fall of man rendered a decline in consciousness to mankind and we are all now in the progress of regeneration—we are in the comeback mode, that is, we are returning back to a state of wholeness, perfection and completion.
As we continue to further develop the Christ Consciousness, the state of regeneration during the month of February requires study, concentration, and practice of the power of Love—the greatest power in the world. We are simply training our minds to match the mind of Jesus, the Christ. The mind that is in alignment with the Fruit of the Spirit ideas which were recommended by Paul.
The Fruit of the Spirit requires a consciousness of love, joy and peace. As we concentrate on these positive qualities, we can use a method advocated by Johnnie Colemon (UFBL) called “The Law of demonstration—The Law of Mind Action,” which is in alignment with spiritual law. In this law, humankind’s responsibility as a Son/Daughter of God is first to begin with right thought; which secondly promotes right feelings; which enables right words, right actions and, right reactions (Luke 12:32).
In developing the attribute of Love, our goal is to exercise love in everything we feel, say, and do. This encompasses universal oneness, tender compassion, devoted service, unselfishness, cooperation, goodwill and kindness. In essence, exercising and practicing love means living by the golden rule of “treating others the way we want to be treated (Luke 6:31), while actions reflect the two laws “love the Lord thy God with all thy strength, and love thy neighbor as thyself (Luke 10:27).
Love is of God and when it is spiritualized, our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and reactions are in alignment with Jesus and his teaching messages to his 12 disciples. As we receive the love of God as input, we are to share love with the universe as output. This is where our oneness with God, all men, and the universe is displayed.
The subconscious realm of man has 12 great centers of action. In thought, prayer and meditation, thoughts are sent down into the inner centers of man’s organism, and through his word quickens them to life which beckons us to express the love of God in all your ways.
Before the powers have been spiritualized, we receive Truth in the conscious mind—this process is called by Unity’s co-founder, Charles Fillmore, as the FIRST COMING OF THE CHRIST. He described THE SECOND COMING OF THE CHRIST as the awakening and the regeneration of the subconscious through the superconscious or Christ mind.
But always remember that love and wisdom must find expression in the conscious mind. Love and wisdom should always go hand in hand.
How do we develop and strengthen the attributes of God?
I have faith in the supreme power of love.
Divine love and wisdom are united in me.
Jesus Christ is now here raising me to his consciousness of infinite love, and my soul is filled and satisfied.