
Mental Vision
(aka) Bartholomew
Between the Eyes
Light Blue
By Satoria Lindsey
While trusting Unity’s compelling twelve divine faculties, my attention is directed to the most problematic force that now exists in the universe; that is, Covid 19. When integrating the attribute of Imagination with the previously studied faculties, I feel certain that we can all work together as one to transform the existence of this pandemic.
Considering the wake of Covid 19, there is no need for feelings of bondage nor fear; our responsibility is to trust God’s Word through our Master Teacher and Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ. Jesus promised, “Lo, I am with you always.” (Matthew 28:20)
We are safe under His guidance, direction, and protection; and we must understand that freedom does not lie in creating a perfect set of circumstances that allow us to feel unencumbered. Since God made Himself available through the person of Jesus Christ, we can instead use our unconditional acceptance of situations just as they are, it will keep each of us feeling free and safe throughout the ups and downs of life. This means that whatever challenges we face, we must have faith that we are under the covering of the Divine; and that He reaches out His loving arms and allows all situations to lead us to our good.
When we follow Fillmore’s metaphysically designed Twelve Powers, there is nothing to fear, for God will shield us in facing any challenge or problem we may encounter. Psalm 27:1 expresses it best in saying, “The Lord is the stronghold of my life–of whom shall I be afraid?”
I now can relate clearly the words of Rev. Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann, she said, “to set it right, you must see it right.” And the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer in his statement, “You’ll believe it when you see it.” Setting things right requires copious prayer, preparation, and imagination. When these ideas are employed, the universe will complete the process. It will fill in the gaps and conclude the desired reality. My understanding is that Rev. Hausmann and Dr. Dyer meant that we have the choice to use the powerful tool of Imagination to make positive changes in our circumstances. Whatever shows up in our experience is a reflection of the pictures we are holding in mind. Our lives will proceed into the shape we create through the use of our inner picturing power.
We begin celebrating the attribute of imagination during the month of June; the relative color is sky blue, representing the early morning, summer sky. The disciple is Nathaniel (aka) Bartholomew, and the physical center in the body is between the eyes, sometimes called “the third eye.” Fillmore says, “…this is the point of expression for a set of tissues that extend back into the brain and connect with an imaging or picture-making function near the root of the optic nerve.”
Imagination is the power of inner vision; a process of seeing with the mind’s eye, in addition to and/or separate from seeing with the two eyes. Teachers have called this faculty by different names. Cora Fillmore called it “the chisel of the mind;” other truth teachers call it the “scissors of the mind,” Johnnie Colemon, founder of Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL) compared imagination to “a great big piece of flour dough,” wherein one may “cut out” from it whatever substance is chosen.
The disciple, Nathaniel, represents imagination. Before Jesus met Nathaniel in person, he had encountered him in His imagination underneath a fig tree. Jesus gave Nathaniel the promise of the ultimate spiritual development of the imagination: “You shall see greater things than these. . . . Truly, truly I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.” (Jn 1:50-51)
We too, have the perceiving power of mind: imagination, visualization, and the ability to see through the third eye. It is a magnificent phenomenon that many times we can see through the third eye what the two eyes cannot see. We can see beauty in destruction; light in darkness, as well as peace in pain.
Everything that exists, or ever will exist is created twice. The first creation is in mind, through imagination. The second in form, through reality. Fillmore says, “It is through the imagination that the formless takes form.” Just as the artist sees in mind every picture that he puts on canvas, God made man in his own image and likeness. He first ideated Spiritual Man (Genesis 1:26); He then created Manifest Man (Genesis 2:7). First the idea and then the form. Man, in turn, is continually following the same pattern as he co-creates with God.
Through the imagination, we can see new ways to solve old problems, we can create better ways to handle situations, and complete projects with added ideas and depth.
When we acknowledge and embrace the fact that the Christ Presence is the only presence that can spiritualize our faculty of Imagination, we can affirm: “It is not I but the Christ within that does the work.”
In conclusion, we can assist in the regeneration of our lives and the lives of others by integrating our continual study of our God-given faculties of faith, love, strength, wisdom, power, and imagination. We first decree an idea, followed by imagining the idea and then by seeing it through our mind’s eye. These exercises help us to transform an idea from invisibility to visibility. A new concept can be brought into fruition through continual thought, prayer, faith, visualization, and meditation. In other words, think it, feel it, ask for it, say it, see it, and live it.
By following the 12-powers trajectory of Unity’s teachings, our lives have the likelihood of changing in such a positive way that you and I may be pleasingly shocked and pleasantly surprised at the results. As of now, we are co-existing with the coronavirus. But, it will be over only when Infinite Intelligence says, “It is over.” Now is the time for us to practice the positivity we have learned from the experience.”
And, so it is. . .
Satoria E. P. Lindsey
Retired High School Teacher
Spiritual Teacher
Competent & Able Toastmasters Certificate
Licensed Johnnie Colemon Institute (JCI) Teacher
Former JCU Youth Expressing Christ (YEC) Teacher
Unity Prayer Leader
M.S. Degree
21 Day Practice
The use of the imagination in regeneration is a powerful tool–it can change your world. It will prove that “thoughts held in mind produce after their own kind.” Why not test the process with this exercise. Before beginning, think and plan in absolute detail–visualizing colors, expressions, locations, etc. Then close your eyes; integrate your hopeful feelings and mentally run an image of a major, positive change you want to make, or you wish to happen in 21 days.
Relax, and enjoy your self-made movie. The movie itself is supplied by the subconscious mind. (sorry, no popcorn)
Pray, meditate, and practice this exercise with positive feelings
several times a day for 21 days and marvel at the results.
Always know that, "It is through thinking that man forms that which he has in his life".
Proverbs 23:7
Remember, our responsibility is to trust God's word through our Master Teacher and Elder, Jesus the Christ. Jesus promised,
"Lo, I am with you always."
Matthew 28:20
A portion of the information was summarized from the following sources:
A Twelve Powers Meditation Exercise, by (Charles Roth, 1989).
Stand Strong, (Judy Jacobs, 2007).
The Twelve Powers, (Charles and Cora Fillmore, 1930).
Unity and A Course in Miracles, (William M. Heller & Paul Hasselbeck, 2016).
Your God-Given Potential, Unfolding the Twelve Spiritual Powers
(Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann, 1999).