
Judgement | Discrimination | Intuition | Knowing | Awareness
Solar Plexus
By Satoria Lindsey
There is no time better than now to develop, or strengthen our relationship with the one presence, one power, and the one knowledge in the universe–God. We are living in some very uncertain times right now; it appears that the world has turned upside down due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has been and still is, active in the nation. Therefore, If not now, when?–if not God, who? The only real answer to this adversity is, “let us turn to God, now” through Jesus Christ, our wayshower and our elder brother. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” –Psalm 46:1
Our bottom-line goal for studying and practicing the Twelve Powers of Man is to transform and shift our consciousness to become the persons we are intended to be. In the becoming, our purpose here on earth can be served. We can become like Jesus–we can withstand and endure any and all challenges that comes our way, including the national virus.
During this study, we have become aware that some of the principles of Unity are presented in the form of the Twelve Powers of man; and they are a part of the fundamental structure of Unity. We are in the process of developing these powers one-by-one, each month at a time. We will recall in January, we studied Faith; in February, Love; in March, Strength; and now in April, we study Wisdom.
Wisdom is the Divine Idea on which we are focusing. This attribute is the highest form of the 12 attributes. It is defined as an automatic knowingness and awareness within us. In consciousness-building, this is the point of awareness when we move beyond intellectual knowledge and experience the voice of God from within.
The ganglionic location of Wisdom in the body is the nerve center called the solar plexus, also known as the body brain–the feeling nature of all individuals. The solar plexus unites with Spirit at the Christ center at the top of the brain.
The disciple in charge of the solar plexus is James, son of Zebedee. James is closely aligned with Jesus as he was one of the three disciples who was with Jesus consistently on significant occasions. These disciples were Peter (faith), the brothers, James and John (wisdom and love). These three were called “The Sons of Thunder.” They were guided by the Christ, each was enlightened in wisdom and they were altogether spiritually enhanced by the teachings of Jesus.
Wisdom (James) and love (John) are complimentary to each other. But wisdom without love is icy cold; love without wisdom is misguided and impetuous. They meet in the great solar nerve center, the solar plexus at the back of the heart and stomach. Therefore, faith, love, and wisdom must be a part of everything we do, and that includes dealing with the pandemic, COVID-19.
Levels of mastery of the 12 powers is a prerequisite to coping with this pandemic and other adversities in our lives. These levels of mastery mean phases of mastery in spiritual awareness. As we grow in the knowledge and practice of the 12 powers, we continually develop within ourselves the qualities that Jesus practiced. Jesus told us that we could do what He did, and even more.
Spiritualization of these powers gives us the ability to cope with the undesirable experiences of life. They teach us that we have, like Jesus, the ability to overcome all things and learn that all is not good, but good comes from all. Our lives are based on mountain-high and valley-low situations and as we are becoming spiritual beings, we also learn the important fact that there is “value in the valley.”
In consciousness, the full spiritual development of the 12 powers places us virtually in the upper room with the disciples when the Holy Spirit rested upon them. And through hearing the voice of God through wisdom and intuition, we can now know that we should pray—-and not panic.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
II Timothy 1:7
"What should you and I do during the appearance of this devastating pandemic?"
When we take a good, hard look at this situation that is now facing many countries, we must engage our spiritual wisdom, and co-create with the Master Teacher by following the suggestions of the trained experts of doctors and scientists, by listening to our own hearts and minds, and leaving the rest in the hands of the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient creator of the universe–God.
We are all ONE and in this together. Let us pray for each other, help each other when and where we can, and simply be there for one another. We must consistently pray for faith, love, strength and wisdom, as well as healing and joy. We should pray by talking to God and meditate by listening to God so that He can talk to us.
In addition, let us focus, imagine, and discuss that which is good about this adversity. We shall continue to know and claim “this, too, shall pass,” and this situation will not last forever and when it is over, we shall see that life situations are better in many ways than ever before the pandemic, and we can then say with confidence “the darkness came just before the dawn.” And so it is. . .
By Satoria E. P. Lindsey
Retired High School Teacher
Spiritual Teacher
Competent and Able Toastmasters Certificates
Prayer Leader
M.S. Degree, Cleveland State University

12 Powers
Sample Meditation
Awaken the centers in your physical body and prepare to receive the spiritual outpouring of power.
Seat yourself comfortably and relax as you turn to Spirit within.
Say: “Be still and know that I am God.”
Say it slowly, seeking to feel a response
of stillness in every part of your being.
Be relaxed; do not try to force.
Say: I am one with God.
The I AM Christ of you is God.
Let this idea take hold in your mind.
Then put your attention on the
I AM or Christ center at the crown of your head
and awaken the flow of light with the thought.
Say: The Christ light is flowing through me now.
From the point at the top of the head,
visualize a clear stream of light coming
in and spreading through your whole body.
See it becoming brighter and brighter as
you concentrate on the awakening of the Christ
as the guiding light of your spiritual unfoldment.
You may complete the meditation on the
powers of Faith and Love
(create meditations to fit you).
Close meditation with the “Prayer for Protection”
(James Dillett Freeman)
The Light of God surrounds me;
The love of God enfolds me;
The power of God protects me;
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is!
A Portion of Information summarized from the following Sources
Your God-Given Potential, Unfolding the Twelve Spiritual Powers by Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann, 1999.
The Twelve Powers, by Charles and Cora Fillmore, 1930.
Unity and and A Course in Miracles, Understanding Their Common Path to Spiritual Awakening, by William M. Heller and Paul Hasselbeck, 2016
Photo 1 Tamara Gore on Unsplash
Photo 2 by Alexey Gnatuk on Unsplash